This program will enable you to generate beautiful and eye-catching 3D animations that will convert your text or logos into original and beautiful looking creations. Key-Frame Animation Using just a single timeline, you will be capable to control all forms of your animation, including the playback speed, length, and more.
Internal Animation Style Each object can have many kinds of animations, such as rotate, beat, swing, fade, wave, typewriter, pulse. Animation Templates Get many 3D title and logo templates.
Create you own 3D title animation very fast for web and movie. You can get your results very quick.
Color and Texture - Select distinct parts of an object and customize the color. Distort Effects Shape and text can have many kinds of distortions, such as sector, arch, curve, sunken, heave, wave.
Free to try aurora3dteam Mac OS X // Version Full Specs Then the Aurora 3D Title Maker is simple to use 3D software to. Free to try aurora3dteam Mac Version Full Specs lets non-technical individuals craft stunning 3D text, logo and animation quickly and.
Aurora 3D Animation Maker has been tested by Download Animation Templates Get many 3D title and logo templates. Create you own 3D title animation very fast for web and movie.
You can get your results very quick. Color and Texture - Select distinct parts of an object and customize the color. Distort Effects Shape and text can have many kinds of distortions, such as sector, arch, curve, sunken, heave, wave.
Aurora 3D Animation Maker has been tested by Download Our editors will recheck this software periodically to assure that it remains clean. Windows Mac Linux Mobile. Aurora 3D Animation Maker